- K-12 Resources Inventory
- Developing Academic Literacy and Language in the Content Areas
Developing Academic Literacy and Language in the Content Areas

Developing Academic Literacy and Language in the Content Areas
Based on a 21st century approach to academic literacy that is aligned with today’s rigorous standards, this resource provides research-based strategies and practical, hands-on tools to help educators develop effective classroom activities. Developing Academic Literacy and Language in the Content Areas focuses on helping English learners develop academic literacy and language skills while also developing content knowledge. The components are described below and include a comprehensive workbook supported by authentic classroom video and two complete unit plans on CD-ROM. 2014
The workbook presents CAL’s principles of instruction for English learners and the research foundations for developing academic literacy and language. Workbook sections provide professional development activities on topics that include literacy in academic contexts, academic language, English language development and college and career ready standards, and instructional strategies. The activities are followed by two unit plans—one for social studies and English language arts, the other for science—that were developed specifically to model the research and pedagogical strategies described in this workbook. The unit plans are used as sample classroom activities throughout professional development workshops. Appendices describe the features of academic language and provide transcripts for the brief video clips used in the workshop.
A DVD with new classroom video includes segments that demonstrate authentic classroom interactions from both teacher and student perspectives, as well as an instructional conversation between a teacher and students.
A companion CD-ROM provides two complete unit plans, including student materials that can easily be printed and photocopied for classroom use.
Laura J. Wright and Annie Laurie Duguay
Center for Applied Linguistics