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BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Workbook – Test Administrator’s Edition

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BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Workbook – Test Administrator’s Edition


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The BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Workbook – Test Administrator’s Edition is to be used during a refresher training with the BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Toolkit.

One workbook is needed for each participant. This is a consumable material.

Click here to also order the BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Toolkit.

The BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Toolkit is not a substitute to initial BEST Plus training and should be used to recalibrate test administrators on BEST Plus 2.0.

At checkout, you will be asked to register and include shipping information. Additionally, as you add this item to your cart, you will be prompted to note the contact information for your organization for CAL to verify your purchase of BEST Plus products.

SKU: BPR-018